Irrespective of your being interested in a particular brand or a product, the first thing that you need to take care of is to know if the reviews you study about it are authentic and not written up by somebody associated with the product in any manner whatsoever. Quite a few of the reviews that you study online appear to be true and frank, but more often than not they have been planted by someone who has financial or business interest in the company or its products and thus trying to push it up. Most of you would never come to know of it!
![Weslo Cadence C44](
Many a time I go through the reviews of companies that apparently are unbiased, only to realize at the end that the critics were in some manner or the other associated with the product manufacturer and prompting the readers to buy that particular product. To get a really honest opinion on the product it is of utmost importance to establish the fact that the critic has no business interest in the company or its products.
The Weslo Cadence C44 Treadmill is trendy because of its low pricing. However, they are not too well known for a dependable quality. The proverbial saying that you get what you pay for, very aptly applies here.
In case you have just been initiated to workout and don't intend getting very serious about continuing with it, this could a worthwhile purchase. On the other hand if you are a devoted runner and have long-term plans to include strong and powerful workouts, implying anything faster than walking, then you should look for alternative equipment.
Simply told, these machines aren't expected to handle more of abuse. It has been priced around four hundred dollars. The company of course states that it can withstand the pressures and demands of any workout enthusiast irrespective of workout intensity, but the truth is that it lacks the power to cope with real hard-core workouts.
Weslo Cadence C44 Treadmill has an engine size of just two and a quarter horsepower. But that is not a factual rating as the correct output is roughly one to one and a quarter horsepower and this is not much different when compared to other models.
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